emmi Black Days
25% Rabatt auf Alles

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The first ultrasonic toothbrush and other pet care equipment for animals!

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Optimal nail care and individual design with Emmi®-Nail

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Ultrasound care for face and body

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Ultrasonic cleaning equipment and accessories at Ultraschall-Welt

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The first ultrasonic toothbrush and other pet care equipment for animals!

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Optimal nail care and individual design with Emmi®-Nail

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Ultrasound care for face and body

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Ultrasonic cleaning equipment and accessories at Ultraschall-Welt


New, improved formula of emmi-pet ultrasonic toothpaste for dogs

Entdecke die Vorteile der neuen emmi-pet Zahnpasta ohne schädliche Inhaltsstoffe. Ideal für die Zahnpflege deines Haustieres, um Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden zu fördern.

Ear infections in dogs: Recognise, treat and prevent

Ear infections in dogs: Recognise, treat and prevent

Effective strategies against hair loss in cats

Effective strategies against hair loss in cats

Controlling weight in dogs: Effective tips and strategies

Controlling weight in dogs: Effective tips and strategies

Tartar prevention for pets with ultrasonic toothbrush and dental spray

Tartar prevention for pets with ultrasonic toothbrush and dental spray

Dental care for pets: Happy DENT dental spray and ultrasonic toothbrush

Dental care for pets: Happy DENT dental spray and ultrasonic toothbrush

Urethral diseases in cats: Recognising and preventing

Urethral diseases in cats: Recognising and preventing

First aid for dogs: A guide for emergency situations

First aid for dogs: A guide for emergency situations

The role of nutrition in your pet's dental health

How nutrition plays a role in your pet's dental health

Ultrasonic dental care: a key aspect in the care of pets with special needs

Ultrasonic dental care: a key aspect in the care of pets with special needs

Effective and gentle cleaning: The emmi-pet cleaning finger cots

Effective and gentle cleaning: The emmi-pet cleaning finger cots

The importance of cat claw care

The importance of cat claw care

Canine parasite infestation: Prevention is better than cure

Canine parasite infestation: Prevention is better than cure

Optimal use of the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for dogs and cats

Optimal use of the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush for dogs and cats

How to familiarise dogs and cats with the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush

How to familiarise dogs and cats with the emmi-pet ultrasonic toothbrush

The benefits of ultrasonic dentistry for pets

Ultrasonic dental care uses high-frequency sound waves to remove plaque and harmful bacteria – without the use of abrasive brushes or chemical agents.

Guaranteed fun and safety for dogs and cats in the snow

Our furry friends also look forward to snow in winter

Why dog training schools and cat training courses are important

The benefits of attending dog training or cat training are as follows

Christmas with dogs & cats: be careful with seasonings!

Safe Christmas treats for pets - avoid dangerous seasonings!

The ideal gift ideas for dogs and cats

Exciting gift ideas for your furry friend

Christmas baking - dangers for our four-legged friends lurk around here!

You should definitely avoid these ingredients

The cat walk: cats on a leash

The individual journey of discovery with your cat

The use of water in dog nutrition stands for a healthy dog's life

That's why water is essential for a healthy dog's life

Chocolate - a deadly temptation for four-legged friends

This is why chocolate should never end up on your dog's menu

Training your dog to sleep outside

To sleep freely under the stars: tips for training your dog to sleep outdoors.

Grooming tips for the change of fur coat

Glistening fur, happy dog: grooming tips for changing your four-legged friend's coat

GPS tracker for dogs and cats: more than just a trend

Pets in view: GPS tracker for dogs and cats - The smart choice for attentive pet parents.

Enjoy a relaxed autumn with your dog and cat

This is how you can make autumn a relaxed time for your furry friend!

How to calm your dog during a strong summer thunderstorm

Why dogs react sensitively to thunderstorms

Zerrspielzeug für Hunde –Pros und Contras

Man kennts.. der Vierbeiner zieht begeistert am Spielzeug, und es entsteht ein Tauziehen zwischen Mensch und Tier.

Tierärztliche Check-ups im Sommer: Was du wissen musst

Tierärztliche Check-ups im Sommer: Was du wissen musst

Spaß und Gesundheit für Hunde- und Katzenbesitzer im Sommer

Spaß und Gesundheit für Hunde- und Katzenbesitzer im Sommer

Die Bedeutung von Sonnenschutz für Haustiere: Der ultimative Ratgeber

Die Bedeutung von Sonnenschutz für Haustiere: Der ultimative Ratgeber

Pflege und Gesundheitskontrolle von Katzen im Freigang

Pflege und Gesundheitskontrolle von Katzen im Freigang

Schwimmen & Wasserspiele für Hunde und wasserliebende Katzen - Tipps, Tricks und Ideen für unvergessliche Wasserabenteuer!

Schwimmen & Wasserspiele für Hunde und wasserliebende Katzen - Tipps, Tricks und Ideen für unvergessliche Wasserabenteuer!

Die Top 10 Filme, in denen eine Katze mitspielt –perfekt für Katzenliebhaber und Familien

Die Top 10 Filme, in denen eine Katze mitspielt –perfekt für Katzenliebhaber und Familien

Hund und Katze vergesellschaften: So gelingt das Zusammenleben

Hund und Katze vergesellschaften: So gelingt das Zusammenleben

Hundemalaria: Schütze deinen Vierbeiner und erkenne die Symptome

Hundemalaria: Schütze deinen Vierbeiner und erkenne die Symptome

3 Dinge, die eine Haustierversicherung abdeckt, die dich überraschen!

3 Dinge, die eine Haustierversicherung abdeckt, die dich überraschen!